Review: Suzi Linder vlog
So just before Christmas we were approached by Suzi Lindner – she asked if we would like her to do a vlog review of one of our bras.
We’ve been trying to branch out into video content before (anyone seen our “what’s my bra size?” video?) so this was a really exciting offer.
We sent her the Cupcake nursing bra in pewter (our bestseller) and doesn’t she look great!? We’ve watched it a few times now and we’re all sat here like… no way would you get us in our bras on Youtube. Honestly really admire Suzi and her cute bump!
We’re the last review (at 1:45 mins) so fast forward if you’re not bothered about TomGirl & Cake Lingerie (which you shouldn’t be… haha!)
Hope you like it – leave your comments, we love hearing what you think! xx