Month nine of Pregnancy – what to expect
This is it! Everything that’s happened in the last 9 months has been building up to this moment (not that we need to remind you)
Pretty soon you’ll have a little bundle of wrinkles in your arms and all the hard work and pain will be worth it!
So apart from labour, what else can you expect month?
As your skin is being pulled pretty tight you might find that your tummy is really itchy, especially if the weather’s hot! Try and keep your skin moisturised (coconut oil is our favourite and you get to smell like a macaroon!) and don’t scratch. Scratching might irritate your skin and could lead to an infection. If you are concerned, speak to your midwife or nurse.
Take my breath away…
The extra pressure on your lungs and diaphragm mean that that you will be short of breath. Even simple tasks like walking round the house can make you pant like a dog so take it easy and don’t try and push yourself too far. Take regular breaks when exercising and when you’re sat down, try and sit as straight as possible (it’ll be easier to completely fill your lungs so you’ll catch your breath quicker.) You might find it a little easier to breathe when baby’s head is engaged and in position.
Also due to the lack of space, you might find that you suffer more and more with indigestion! Eating slower can help, as well as smaller portions and try not to eat before you go to bed. Your midwife or pharmacist will be able to advise what indigestion remedies you can take but you can also try some peppermint tea.
Now that you’re at the end of your pregnancy journey, you may feel more and more emotional. You may start to have doubts about coping with a baby, which is completely natural. You may also find that you cry really easily at the slightest of things – if you feel that you are getting upset, take a moment out to gather your thoughts and calm down. No point putting extra stress on you and the baby.
Oh, and you’ll need to pee more than ever, especially once your baby is engaged!
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